A beginner’s guide : 10 topics to blog about

The second thing a blogger has to figure out is the topic to write about. After doing some research, I came up with a list of most searched for topics which are especially easy if you are a beginner in the blogging world.

Of the many topics, here is my suggestion of top 10 topics to blog about hoping to make your writing routine a little simpler at least! Take a read.

On-Page SEO Hacks: Content curation for better ranking

SEO has been evolving constantly but the intention of digital marketers has mostly been the same -to show up better on the search engine results. I have discussed earlier in my article about adding excerpts as part of on-page SEO hacks. In this article we shall see how content curation helps in optimizing search results. When youContinue reading “On-Page SEO Hacks: Content curation for better ranking”

Be proud .. You are a “Home-Maker”

This article isn’t coming from me because I am a Home-Maker now. It is because I have heard enough contempt for home-makers! I am a home-maker, doing everything that is needed to meet everyone’s needs. I know I am doing it really well, getting maximum satisfaction amidst occasional appreciation. I have less to regret andContinue reading “Be proud .. You are a “Home-Maker””

You are actually not alone if…

Are you often thinking you are alone and have no one to listen to you or to give you company? Well, you perhaps are not! Everyone at some point in their life would have felt so. But more often than not, they are not alone and find solace when they realise so. See, just asContinue reading “You are actually not alone if…”

And then, He came…

It was 7 o’clock in the morning but Jenny continued to lay still, on her rocking chair , gazing out of the window. The cool morning breeze could only sweep off the untied hair off her face, but not the thoughts that filled her mind. The previous night was rather a disturbing one for herContinue reading “And then, He came…”

A guide to blog commenting

I am an active blogger with a practice of leaving comments on blogs that I read.   Also, I get excited to see people commenting on the blogs I write.  Hanging around in the Blogger world for quite some time now, I clearly understand the importance of comments, their intent and also how they canContinue reading “A guide to blog commenting”