A beginner’s guide : 10 topics to blog about

The second thing a blogger has to figure out is the topic to write about. After doing some research, I came up with a list of most searched for topics which are especially easy if you are a beginner in the blogging world.

Of the many topics, here is my suggestion of top 10 topics to blog about hoping to make your writing routine a little simpler at least! Take a read.

On-Page SEO Hacks: Content curation for better ranking

SEO has been evolving constantly but the intention of digital marketers has mostly been the same -to show up better on the search engine results. I have discussed earlier in my article about adding excerpts as part of on-page SEO hacks. In this article we shall see how content curation helps in optimizing search results. When youContinue reading “On-Page SEO Hacks: Content curation for better ranking”

A guide to blog commenting

I am an active blogger with a practice of leaving comments on blogs that I read.   Also, I get excited to see people commenting on the blogs I write.  Hanging around in the Blogger world for quite some time now, I clearly understand the importance of comments, their intent and also how they canContinue reading “A guide to blog commenting”

On-page SEO hacks: how to add Excerpt like an expert

Search Engine Optimization is an inevitable task that every digital marketer has to perform for articles to show up better during a search. SEO activities can be broadly classified into: On-page SEO Off-page SEO On-Page SEO activities are the ones that optimize individual pages to yield a better ranking and to attract more traffic towardsContinue reading “On-page SEO hacks: how to add Excerpt like an expert”